Friday, 2 December 2016


Ms.Lyss made us a sensory bin of red and green rice with a hint of mint scent.
As one child played with it, lots of rice escaped the bin and landed on the floor.
I encouraged the child to get one of our little brooms to sweep up his mess.
As he began to sweep, another child noticed him and went to get another mini broom.
"I help. I sweep too" he stated.

Although they did not actually clean up the whole mess,
they showed wonderful team work and responsibility.
Thanks boys!

Get to jail!

Lately some of our older children have been talking about putting each other in jail, and their teachers too. (in good humour)
We play this game in the gym, large muscle room, and outside usually as a chase and catch game
but one day some of them created a very intricate jail out of dominoes within our room.
 "Mrs.Thiele get in!"
 At times building this was very frustrating as dominoes can be tricky to stand and even worse when you have many children moving through the room. It took a lot of concentration, team work, and the ability to share ideas to get this jail completed.

Christmas Potluck

This week we all got together and celebrated the birth of our saviour, Jesus Christ with a Christmas Potluck.
We had 60 people come out to our potluck!
Mr.Blatz was able to join us too, he cooked chicken on the BBQ for us in the snow.

Lots of delicious food.

 The children practiced really hard, and learnt two new songs to sing in front of their parents.
"Wayyyyy down in Bethlehem."
"This little light of mine"
 We had special guests from West End Christian Community.
Joel and Danielle led us in Worship.
And Pastor Rob gave a message helping us to reflect on what Christmas is truly about.
All in all it was a fabulous night.
Thanks to everyone who came, helped out and made our evening such a great success.
Merry Christmas everyone!

Wednesday, 23 November 2016

Sliding around

It seems as though our fresh fallen snow is already melting. One of our teachers piled snow against the big spool which let us enjoy it for another day.
All three of us had to work together to get the sled moving.

"Living on the edge."


"Look how far I went. I hit the fence!"

"Lets try this one (sled)."


Tuesday, 22 November 2016

Snow Day

Here we are checking out the freshly fallen snow.
We were all so excited to get outside!
Thanks Mom and Dad for packing us warm gear 😀

Monday, 21 November 2016


I brought out some paints after snack this morning.
At first the children seemed to paint with the colors as they were...
Then the mixing began, carefully creating colors and asking each other which colors to mix to make other colors.
Soon all of the paints were a beautiful brownish purple.

In preschool we want children to explore the materials we put out. We don't worry about an end product because at this point in development children benefit from using the materials as they see fit. It is more important to first learn the properties of paint and enjoy how its squishy, how it moves across the page, and how the colors pop out on the plain paper.


Tuesday, 15 November 2016

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas...

We began to pull out our Christmas decorations today...
The children were over the roof excited to help decorate the room.

We started by opening these new nativity scene, which was a great opportunity for Mr.Tooshkenig to tell the children the Christmas story.
I think someone forgot to tell these girls that we were decorating the room... not ourselves!
Here's a little reminder from Mr.Tooshkenig on how NOT to store your Christmas decorations unless you enjoy lots and lots of untangling! :)
The children were so proud to decorate and are now asking when we can go get a Christmas tree, we will have to wait a little though as I don't believe the stores have the real ones yet. Some children thought we could cut one of the trees in Adventure Playground down but we'll have to discourage that!

Monday, 14 November 2016

Fort building

Today some of the children had an awesome idea.
They wanted to build a fort. At first the fort was not working because every time they pulled on one side the other side would fall.
"it's not big enough" someone finally said

We then laid out all of our blankets on top of each other trying to measure which one was the biggest.
"I think the green ones bigger cause look" pointing to the corners sticking out from under another blanket.
After all our measuring we realized none of the blankets would be big enough for their idea. Luckily an old curtain that we store away was more than big enough.

We used clothes pins to hold up the blankets.
More blankets were added as carpets, and door ways. Pillows were added for comfort and of course the baby dolls made their way into the fort as well.
Ta-Da! We did it!
This fort building project allowed us to share our ideas, work on cooperation, practice our awareness of sizes and measuring all while playing!

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Happy Remembrance Day

Today one of our families thoughtfully supplied us with a Remembrance Day Craft.
We are thankful for all the sacrifices that have been made so that we are able to live in a safe, and peaceful country.
In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row,
That mark our place: and in the sky
The larks still bravely singing fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.
We are the dead: Short days ago,
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved: and now we lie
In Flanders fields!

Take up our quarrel with the foe
To you, from failing hands, we throw
The torch: be yours to hold it high
If ye break faith with us who die,
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields

- John McCrae


Miss.Sonja's jamming

After being asked by the children in XP about a million times, I was finally able to book Miss.Sonja for an afternoon. The children had huge smiles on their faces as they sang and danced along. We learnt about fast beats versus slow beats and loud singing versus quiet singing in this session. When Miss.Sonja asked the children which they preferred they loudly answered "LOUD AND FAST!"
We are looking forward to her next visit in December!

Monday, 7 November 2016


This group of 5 children spent 20 minutes working on this tough puzzle. It took concentration, perseverance, and a lot of team work to get this huge puzzle finished but in the end the feeling of pride and accomplishment was worth every minute.


Mr.Reyes (one of our school-age staff) started a program last year called the "Swat" program. This program has school-age children come and visit the pre-school children's rooms to play with younger children and help out the teachers. This program benefits the older children who learn responsibility and organizational skills, the younger children who learn good play habits from their older, cool role-models, and the teachers who get a little break and are able to spread out their attention.

Thank you Mr.Reyes for your awesome program.
We here in XP are loving it.

Tuesday, 1 November 2016

Happy Halloween

Yesterday was Halloween. If your child allowed me to, I took their picture by our little toadstools. Check out our awesome costumes.

Then we had a wild dance party with glow sticks.

It was such a fun dance party that Flex came to join!
Thanks to everyone who brought snack items to our potluck. After snack we played "hide the pumpkin" and "pumpkin ring toss" with Ms.Lyss
What a great and fun day!


Friday, 28 October 2016

Sneak Peek Oct 29, 2016

For the past few weeks we have been working on an exciting new project for our room!
I think the kids are pretty excited about it too. They helped us find a nice piece of wood for our birthday wall.
They also took a beautiful class photo!

We cant wait to share the finished product with you!
Miss Lyss

Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Out and about in the field

Its raining, it's pouring... our playground is all muddy.
So out to the field we went to try to sustain our Adventure Playground's beauty.

Out in the field many children were playing a game of running and chase. Sometimes the children were the big bad wolf, or monster and sometimes the teacher was. Thanks Ms.Okolo for having so much energy to chase us around :)

"Mrs.Thiele I found some details over here."
"Yes, don't you see all these little pieces here, they're the details"